The Most Detailed Dark Matter Map Ever Created - timelineoffuture
September 16, 2024

Scientists recently released the most detailed map of dark matter ever created, shedding light on one of the universe’s greatest mysteries. Dark matter, which makes up about 85% of the matter in the universe, is not directly observable, but its effects can be detected through its gravitational pull on visible matter. 

Atacama Cosmology Telescope Team Confirms Einstein’s Theory of Cosmic Structure Growth Shedding New right on Dark Matter.

Researchers have created the most detailed map of elusive dark matter to date, confirming Albert Einstein’s theory of cosmic structure growth and bending light over nearly 14 billion years of the universe’s existence.

A Glimpse into the Invisible Universe

The Atacama Space Telescope (ACT) collaboration has produced a groundbreaking image, revealing a complex map of dark matter that covers a quarter of the entire sky and extends deep into the universe . 

Tracking Dark Matter with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope

Astronomer Neelima Sehgal of Stony Brook University and more than 160 astronomers from around the world built and collected data from NSF’s Atacama Space Telescope in the Chilean Andes. They tracked how dark matter and the gravity of other massive structures warped the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on its journey from the formation of the universe to our current observations. 

Challenging Previous Dark Matter Maps

The new findings contradict previous dark matter maps, which suggested that the cosmic web – a vast network of interconnected celestial highways of hydrogen gas and dark matter in the universe – less clumpy than Einstein’s theory. 

Einstein’s Theory Confirmed (Again)

Mathew Madhavacheril, assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania, explains that the new mass map provides measurements consistent with the “clustering” of the universe and the projected rate of growth. ideas of the universe according to Einstein’s theory. Gravitation. 

Shedding New Light on the Crisis of Cosmology

The study contributes to the ongoing debate about the “crisis of cosmology,” which revolves around the gap in the measurement of the age and rate of expansion of the universe. New research supports Einstein’s theory of how massive structures evolved and bent light throughout the age of the universe. 

The Future of Gravitational Lensing Measurements

Astronomer and co-author Neelima Sehgal highlights the precision achievable with gravitational lensing measurements of the microwave background and the potential for future more sensitive CMB experiments to improve understanding ours on astrophysics. 

A New Telescope on the Horizon

Although the ACT was decommissioned in September 2022 after 15 years of operation, the researchers plan to make new observations using the new telescope scheduled to be operational in 2024, which has the ability to map the sky almost 10 times faster than the ACT.

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