The Flores Man Hobbits: Are They Still Alive? - timelineoffuture
September 18, 2024

The Hobbits often find themselves eating, drinking, gardening, and destroying the rings in Tolkien’s fictional Middle-earth. But in fact, ancient ruins show that hobbit-sized people once lived on the Indonesian island of Flores. While researchers found artifacts such as stone tools, there was no evidence of a dark lord or broken sword.

(Credit:Svet foto/Shutterstock)

The ancient remains belong to Homo floresiensis, also known as the Flores Hobbit or simply the hobbit. As research continues on Flores Hobbit, it leaves us with a number of questions. Mainly, is H. floresiensis still alive today? 

Island of Flores

According to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, Flores Island may never have had a land bridge that would have allowed new species to be introduced into the ecosystem.

During the Pleistocene (Ice Age), the island was inhabited by many creatures including Komodo dragons, giant tortoises, giant rodents, and Stegodon, the prehistoric ancestor of elephants. 

Flores Man Stone Tools

In the 1950s and 1960s, Father Theodor Verhoeven, a Dutch Catholic priest, was living and working on the island when he began excavating and locating what he believed to be an archaeological site.

Having studied archeology at university, Verhoeven was one of the first to identify and report stone tools on the island, as well as the remains of Stegodon.

At first, Verhoeven and others thought the stone stools belonged to Homo erectus from the neighboring island of Java. After analyzing and dating sediments discovered in the 1990s, researchers began to believe that an anthropomorphic creature similar to H. erectus once inhabited the island. In 2003, after nearly 3 years of excavation in Liang Bua cave, an Indonesian-Australian research team discovered a skull of H. floresiensis. 

Who Discovered Homo floresiensis?

Archeologist Wahyu Saptomo supervised Benyamin Tarus, a local worker, as he cleared away sediment until a skull began to appear. With the help of Rokus Due Awe, a faunal expert, and archeologist Thomas Sutikna, they fully unearthed the remains of the skull. 

Due to the size of the brain cavity, the researchers believed it was a child’s skull. But, after analyzing the skull’s teeth, finding that they were all permanent, they concluded that this had been the skull of an adult. Eventually, the partial remains of the skeleton were unearthed, and the researchers referred to the specimen as LB1 (Liang Bua 1).

However, the research team did not have a physical anthropologist. Mike Morwood, one of the research team leaders, asked Peter Brown, a palaeoanthropologist from the University of New England in Australia, to join. Brown’s work helped give H. floresiensis its name. 

According to the 2004 study released by the research team in Nature, LB1 was a 30-year-old female nicknamed Little Lady of Flores or Flo. According to the remains, H. floresiensis would have stood just under 4 feet tall. 

The Hobbits of Flores Island

Upon first discovery, the H. floresiensis remains were dated 12,000 years ago, making their existence quite recent for human evolution. Some of the first evidence of agriculture dates to about 12,000 years ago. However, after reanalysis, the remains of LB1 date closer to 100,000 to 60,000 years old, and the discovered stone tools date from 190,000 to 50,000 years old. 

Since the initial find in 2003, researchers have found other H. floresiensis specimens on the island. Further analysis of their remains has led researchers to believe that H. floresiensis was more closely related to H. erectus and Australopithecus afarensis — aka Lucy. 

Is the Flores Hobbit Still Alive?

Today, researchers continue to study H. floresiensis remains and any new specimens or artifacts they uncover on the island. Whether or not H. floresiensis is still alive today is still up for debate. 

In 2022 a retired anthropologist, Gregory Forth, claimed that there had been sightings of an “ape-man” believed to be H. floresiensis on Flores. Others who have studied the Flores Hobbit disagree. They believe that on an island with a human population of nearly 2 million, there would be more frequent sightings of the Flores Hobbit.

That said, to survive, there would need to be a large population of H. floresiensis to continue to produce healthy offspring. With little to no evidence to prove this large population exists, it’s unlikely that the Flores Hobbit still lives on the island today. 

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