The Chilling Messages Encoded in Egyptian Tombs – Video - timelineoffuture
October 6, 2024

It’s common information that man didn’t learn to fly until the 20 th century. In any case stunning revelations in both South America and Egypt are starting to bring this long-stated truth into address. Antiquated brilliant dolls and carvings found in South American tombs are frightfully comparative in shape and measurement to present day air ship.

image: The so-called helicopter hieroglyph

Stranger still, old carvings, works of art and pictographs found within the Egyptian pyramids appear to portray everything from airplanes and helicopters to submarines and spaceships. What’s the truth? Were our antiquated predecessors stowing away progressed innovation from us all along? Were they gone by by progressed extra-terrestrials? Or are these interesting carvings and markings fair a coincidence? Maybe the truth truly is out there. 

Source: Public Domain .

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