The black hole hypothesis may have been created by aliens - timelineoffuture
July 5, 2024

Scientists say modern technology can be used to validate the alien hypothesis that created the black hole.In a paper published on the Arxiv platform on January 24, managed by Cornell University (USA), two scientists, Gia Dvali and Zaza Osmanov, hypothesized that aliens made black holes as quantum storage. According to their research, they said this could account for the Fermi paradox.

Scientists hypothesized that the aliens created the black hole. (Image: Science).

Essentially, Fermi’s paradox is concerned with the contradiction between the lack of evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the possibility of planetary existence. This paradox has caused much controversy among the scientific community, especially those who believe that alien life exists, only waiting to be discovered.

In their study, two scientists showed that black holes have the highest storage capacity for information. Therefore, advanced civilizations in the universe are more likely to have created black holes with transcendent quantumn computers.

“Dvali scientists’ studies in 2021 show the validity of universal quantum field theory for the information-storage capacity of a device that can be constituted by corresponding quantum. These limit saturated objects, called saturons, are all effective carriers of quantum information. Among all possible saturon theories, black holes have the highest information-storage capacity (Dvali 2021)”, cited from the study.

The study, published on the arXiv platform, has not been peer-reviewed, making it an important step for colleagues in the scientific world to recognize. For now, humans still rely on radio signals to look for signs of life in the universe.

However, the same researchers suggest that black holes should be approached as if there were alien civilizations that created them, rather than just natural phenomena. In it, they emphasized the black hole hypothesis as “huge quantum computers” for data storage, and an advanced civilization in the universe which could afford them.

Humans can use modern technology to validate the black hole hypothesis. (Image: unlimit3d).

According to these same researchers, all we have to do is look for evidence of technical signals inside a black hole to demonstrate the advanced civilization’s ability to create it. Furthermore, humans had the technology to realize this when researchers claimed the Antarctic IceCube Neutrino Observatory was capable of detecting technological signatures in black holes.

In the 1980s, astrophysicist Roger Penrose first proposed the concept of a black hole, saying it was an infinite source of energy. Although unlikely, the researchers agreed that small black holes could be artificially created, acting as capacitors for quantum information.

Of course, this is just a potential proposal that humans can make in the search for extraterrestrial life. According to the BGR, despite being given a certain “insanity”, this is still a direction that astronomers and astrophysicists can explore.

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