The Biggest Secret In Human History – The Anunnaki Creation- First Advanced Civilization On Earth - timelineoffuture
September 18, 2024

Have you ever wondered why schools teach so little about the world’s first advanced civilization?. The Anunnaki Creation Story is presented in the following video. About 445,000 years ago, people called “creators” came to our planet. They are called Anunnaki, which means “those from heaven to earth”. 

These extraterrestrials lived on a very distant planet called Nibiru, a planet that enters our Solar System once every 3,600 years.

Many descriptions and stories tell how Nibiru is much bigger than our planet Earth, and fully abundant with iron oxide, making its oceans and rivers red.

Sumerian tablets and inscriptions tell how the atmosphere of Nibiru started to deteriorate and become a hostile and dangerous environment.

Anunnaki needed an important element in order to continue to live on their planet: gold.

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