Solаr ѕаіlѕ coᴜld маke а маrѕ Trір рoѕѕіЬle іn Jᴜѕt 26 Dауѕ - timelineoffuture
September 27, 2024

Recent research available on the preprint server arXiv and submitted to Acta Astronautica is creating a buzz in the space exploration community. This suggests that using graphite solar sails could reduce both the time and fuel needed to reach Mars and even travel into interstellar space.

This groundbreaking research joins the ranks of existing research on solar sails, which has benefited from contributions from many institutions. It follows on from the Planetary Society’s successful LightSail2 mission and aims to create faster, more energy-efficient propulsion systems for extended space missions.

The Speed ​​Advantage: Why the Solar Sail Delivers on its Promise

Dr.René Heller, co-author of the study and an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, notes that although solar sail technology can only carry relatively small loads, the advantage is real. is speed. “Compared to traditional chemical propulsion, the speed advantage of solar sails is a game changer,” Heller told Universe Today.

Unlike traditional rockets that burn fuel to create thrust, solar sails utilize sunlight. The giant sails trap solar photons, acting in the same way as sails capture wind as they move across water. The more solar photons these sails capture over time, the faster the spacecraft can go.

Simulation scenario: Considering different orbits

In this study, researchers ran simulations to find out whether a one-kilogram airgraphite solar sail could reach Mars or venture out. How quickly do you enter the heliopause, the limit of interstellar space? Two methods were tested: a direct outward transmission from Earth and an inward propagation method.

The study found that launching when Mars is directly opposite the Earth and the Sun, a position known as opposition, could yield optimal speeds and travel times. Using this direct outward travel method, a trip to Mars would take just 26 days.

Material Advantages: Why Airographite Works

Julius Karlapp, lead author of the study and research assistant at Dresden University of Technology, explains that airographite’s low density makes it a Excellent material for solar sails.“Its unique mechanical properties and low density give graphite sails much higher thrust than conventional materials,” Karlapp explained to Universe Today.

According to the study’s simulations, the direct outward and inward transfer methods would allow the solar sail to reach Mars in 26 days and 126 days, respectively. The journey to stop would take between 4.2 and 5.3 years, depending on the method used.

Current comparison: Astronauts and current Mars missions

For reference, current trips to Mars last 7 to 9 months and have a specific launch window every two years time. The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes took about 35 and 41 years, respectively, to reach heliopause.

Researchers admit that slowing down once you get to Mars is still a challenge. One proposed method is capture by aircraft, using the planet’s atmosphere for braking. However, Dr.Martin Tajmar, co-author of the study, acknowledged that more research is needed in this area.

Although the concept of solar sails has been around since the 1970s, NASA’s Solar Cruiser, set to launch in February 2025, offers a more contemporary example of the technology’s promise.

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