Skeletons found in Pompeii ruins reveal deaths by earthquake, not just Vesuvius’ ancient eruption - timelineoffuture
July 4, 2024

The disclosure of two skeletons buried underneath a collapsed divider within the Pompeii archeological location point to passings by effective seismic tremors that went with the destroying eruption of Mount Vesuvius within the to begin with century, specialists said, in expansion to the casualties of volcanic fiery remains and gas.

New archaeological techniques have made it easier to determine the cause of death for victims of the devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius. ((Pompeii Archeological Park via AP) (AP)

The two skeletons, accepted to be men at slightest 55 a long time ancient, were found within the Casti Amanti, or House of Virtuous Partners, underneath a divider that collapsed some time recently the zone was secured in volcanic fabric.
The range was likely experiencing reproduction work at the time of the emission in Advertisement 79, taking after an seismic tremor some days prior. 

One of the skeletons buried beneath a collapsed wall in the Pompeii archaeological site points to deaths by powerful earthquakes that accompanied the devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the first century, experts said on May 16, 2023. (AP)
The two male skeletons were found beneath a wall that collapsed before the area was covered in volcanic material. (Pompeii Archeological Park via AP) (AP)

“In recent years, we have realised there were violent, powerful seismic events that were happening at the time of the eruption,″ said Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, on Tuesday.

New archaeological techniques and methodology “allow us to understand better the inferno that in two days completely destroyed the city of Pompeii, killing many inhabitants,″ he added, making it possible to determine the dynamic of deaths down to the final seconds.

On August 24 in 79AD, Mount Vesuvius, south of Naples, violently spewed deadly, super-heated volcanic rock that produced 100,000 times the energy of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki atomic bombings in World War II.

The deadly, hazardous material fell from the skies and coated both cities so heavily and so rapidly that the inhabitants were left with little time to flee.

The ranges around Pompeii and Herculaneum have since gotten to be a major visitor fascination in Italy and are UNESCO World Legacy Destinations.
The full populace of both cities was over 20,000 at the time of the ejection and the remains of more than 1500 people have so distant been found, but the whole passing toll remains unknown. 

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