Sir Alex Ferguson’s brutal reaction to Ruud van Nistelrooy swearing at Man Utd boss - timelineoffuture
July 3, 2024

Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson was quick to part ways with Ruud van Nistelrooy after the pair had a tense exchange following the 2006 League Cup final

Ruud Van Nistelrooy's relationship with manager Sir Alex Ferguson broke down after an incident in 2006
Ruud Van Nistelrooy’s relationship with manager Sir Alex Ferguson broke down after an incident in 2006

Almost every player who hasworna Manchester United shirt during Sir Alex Ferguson’sglorious 26-year tenurehas felt the Scot’sfierce wrath at some point.

Ruud van Nistelrooy is no exception and the Dutchman is to blame. The Netherlands international made the mistake of cursing his manager in the 2006 League Cup final after beingused as a substitute inUnited’s 4-0 win over Wigan Athletic.

Much to Van Nistelrooy’schagrin, Ferguson decided to start the game with shotsat Wayne Rooney and Louis Saha.

Full-time,mostpeople associated with the Red Devils were happytohavewon another trophy,allbuttheforward.

Van Nistelrooy wasquicktoexplainhisthoughtson the decision to keep him on the bench for the entire game.

According to the United manager’s book, Ferguson was subjectedtoprofanityby the Dutchman,prompting assistant manager Carlos Queiroz to intervene.

TakeonVanNistelrooyas the situationthreatens to spoilUnited’s celebrations. , In the years since the altercation,which Ferguson dubbeda’storm’, the former Red Devils boss has also made it clear that it was the beginning of the end for his forward at the club.

Trueto his word, Ferguson sold Van Nistelrooy to Real Madrid that same summer, where he spent four seasons before ending his career with spellsin Hamburg and Malaga.

Theseexchanges really damaged the relationship between Van Nistelrooy and his former boss until four years later, in 2010, the formerUnitedstrikerdecided to bury the hatchet by contacting Ferguson inanunexpectedway.

“Ithought about it a bit and talkedto my wifeaboutit”; Van Nistelroy later explained. , “Twice or thricea year I thought to myself, what a pity it endedtheway it ended with Ferguson.

I wanted to do something about it. , “My wife suggested I text Ferguson to see if he was ready to talk and when I texted him andasked if I could callhim, he replied,’Okay, call me these.’timeand at this time.”’ “Icalled him and he answered and said,’Okay,okay, go ahead.’ I said I wanted to apologize for what happened and he said,’Okay, I appreciate it, when we meet again everything will be fine.”Good to know.

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