Scientists Figured Out How to See the Beginning of Time - timelineoffuture
September 24, 2024

Scientists at Princeton University believe they have the tools to look back at the dawn of time itself. Researchers say they can use ripples in space-time called gravitational waves to see the beginning of basically everything we know.

“We can’t see the early universe directly,” Deepen Garg, graduate student in the Princeton Program in Plasma Physics, says in a news release, “but maybe we can see it indirectly if we look at how gravitational waves from that time have affected matter and radiation that we can observe today.”

Scientists used the same methods used to study fusion energy to study gravitational waves, first predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein as a result of his theory of relativity. Considering the space-time perturbations induced by the motion of dense objects, the new formula could theoretically result in gravitational waves that reveal hidden properties of star-like objects many light-years away. There is a nature.”

Physicists will be able to analyze the properties of light and discover the properties of stars millions of light years away, as well as learn about various neutron stars, black holes and star deaths.

Why not shoot bigger and look for the ripples that highlight the long-awaited Big Bang-style moment? but “it takes more effort to get meaningful results,” they say. So our journey back to the beginning of time will have to wait a little longer.

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