New laser system could transport spacecraft to Mars in just 45 days - timelineoffuture
July 5, 2024

One of the biggest challenges to living on Mars is the ability to quickly transport people and supplies to the planet. However, a group of academics at McGill University may have found a solution. They have developed a system that uses a powerful laser to propel a spacecraft to Mars in just 45 days, potentially saving months of travel time.

The laser system, which uses a 10-meter-wide laser array on Earth, heats hydrogen plasma in the spacecraft until it produces enough superheated hydrogen gas to power the entire journey to Mars. This could revolutionize space travel by allowing us to push spacecraft between planets from Earth, rather than relying on heavy fuel to be launched into orbit.

According to Emmanuel Duplay, lead author of the research paper and former McGill University Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering Program student, “Laser-thermal propulsion allows quick transport missions of one ton with laser arrays the size of a volleyball court.”

NASA had issued an engineering challenge to develop a method to send a 1,000-kilogram payload to Mars in no more than 45 days. This challenge inspired the McGill researchers to develop their innovative laser system.

The laser-propulsion method, which the researchers described in an article for the journal Acta Astronautica, could significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to transport important supplies and astronauts to Mars settlements. With traditional chemical-fueled rockets, it can take months to make the journey, but with the laser system, it could take just a few weeks.

When the spacecraft arrives at Mars, it will use the planet’s thin atmosphere to “aerobrake,” which is a challenging maneuver that quickly slows down the ship. In the past, chemical propellants were used to stop spacecraft, but the added weight of the fuel made the payload heavier. By using the atmosphere of Mars to slow down the spacecraft, we can avoid this problem.

This laser-propulsion system could revolutionize space travel by making it faster and more efficient. However, there are still some challenges to overcome before it can be used for manned missions. For example, the intense heat generated by the laser could damage the spacecraft’s components, so further research and development will be necessary.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of laser-propulsion technology are clear. It could enable humans to explore and colonize Mars in a way that was once thought impossible.

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