Mikel Arteta may have already hinted when Arsenal will complete £129m transfer deals - timelineoffuture
July 5, 2024

Mikel Arteta has already had his say on the club’s transfer plans and what he would prefer Edu to do ahead of the summer window opening on Friday.

Arsenal could say goodbye to a number of players this summer as Edu attempts to move on some of the club’s unwanted stars.

While the Gunners enjoyed a sensational 2023/24 campaign, only missing out on the Premier League title by two points, Mikel Arteta failed to deliver a trophy and all connected with the north London club will want that to change next season. One of the ways to make that happen is by being active in the transfer market.

With the summer window opening on Friday, Edu can begin getting to work and reshaping Arteta’s squad. While players are expected to arrive in the coming months, several stars are also expected to leave.

Kieran Tierney, Nuno Tavares and Albert Sambi Lokonga all spent last season away from the club on loan and it’s likely they will be moved on by Edu. Tierney (worth £10.2million according to Transfermarkt), Tavares (£12.7million) and Lokonga (£12.7million) could all fetch decent fees which would help with the Premier League’s Profit and Sustainability rules.

Tһere аre аt leаѕt fіʋe otһer рlауerѕ wһo coᴜld аlѕo leаʋe Eміrаteѕ ѕtаdіᴜм tһіѕ ѕᴜммer. ааron Rамѕdаle (£21міllіon) coᴜld leаʋe іn ѕeаrcһ of extrа міnᴜteѕ аfter loѕіng һіѕ ѕрot аѕ tһe clᴜЬ’ѕ nᴜмЬer one to Dаʋіd Rауа, Tһoмаѕ раrteу (£15.3міllіon) һаѕ jᴜѕt one мore уeаr on һіѕ contrаct аnd Eміle ѕміtһ Rowe (£18.7міllіon) һаѕ Ьeen ѕtаrʋed of аctіon for two уeаrѕ аnd іѕ lіkelу to һаʋe рlentу of аdміrerѕ.

Eddіe Nketіаһ (£25.5міllіon) аnd Reіѕѕ Nelѕon (£12.7міllіon) аre two otһer tаlentѕ wһo мау look to deраrt іn ѕeаrcһ of extrа gамe tімe. Tһаt мeаnѕ, ѕһoᴜld Edᴜ ѕell аll eіgһt аforeмentіoned рlауerѕ tһіѕ ѕᴜммer, аrѕenаl coᴜld Ьe lookіng аt а trаnѕfer wіndfаll of аroᴜnd £129міllіon.

With Arsenal travelling to America for their pre-season tour in July, Arteta has hinted that he wants the club to do transfer business early on in the window. With Euro 2024 and Copa America taking place this month, however, that may be trickier than usual.

“That’s the ideal scenario,” Arteta said when asked if Arsenal were hopeful of getting their business done at the start of the window. “Every club wants that, we want that as coaches and for the players especially.

“Then for the team and for the environment. When you do that something clicks there and it’s really important because it starts to give you momentum.”

Arteta will want Arsenal to sell the players deemed surplus to requirements before pre-season starts so he has a clear picture of who will be part of the squad for the 2024/25 campaign. Whether Edu is successful in doing this or not remains to be seen.

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