Malta’s secret long skulls are not human: Ancient alien head? - timelineoffuture
September 18, 2024

For decades, the discovery of eerie elongated skulls around the world has puzzled scientists. One example is the discovery of 25 skeletons with such heads at the Houtaomuga archaeological site in northeastern China, as well as the Sealand skull and the Dragonman skull.

The question remains: What do these skulls mean? They may indicate contact with civilizations outside of our own. But why do these creatures grow their heads, and what can we say about the process? 

Some of these skulls are dated to 8500 BC, indicating that these long-headed individuals survived floods and settled in many parts of the world. This hypothesis could explain why long skulls are found in different places, naturally discovered by humans. They could be evidence of an amalgamation between ancient civilizations or even contact with extraterrestrial beings. More research is needed to better understand this fascinating mystery. 

In various ancient cultures, there is mention of dragons or snakes often depicted as tall creatures with elongated heads. It is said that the dragon line eventually evolved into the dragon king line.

People with these long skulls have been found in many parts of the world, leaving much evidence of their existence and travels. Some scholars suggest that they may be interplanetary gods, bringing knowledge from the stars to Earth.

Another place that testifies to these creatures is Hal Saflieni’s Hypogeum, the only known prehistoric underground temple in the world, located in the Maltese archipelago in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. During the first decade of the 20th century, Maltese archaeologist Sir Themistocles Zammit discovered thousands of skeletons, many with long skulls, in the lower chambers of the temple necropolis. Despite extensive research, the origin of these remains remains a mystery. 

The skulls discovered in the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta were displayed at the National Archaeological Museum until 1985. After that, they were removed from public view and only accessible to researchers by special permission, according to the authority responsible for Malta’s prehistoric heritage, Heritage Malta. However, six of the original eleven skulls are now on display at the museum again.

Studies done on these skulls have revealed that they are not normal. They are missing the midpoint and the longitudinal suture is also missing, as reported by Dr Anton Mifsud and his colleague Dr Charles Savona Ventura in their photo and book. Only Vittorio Di Cesare and Adriano Forgione of HERA magazine, Rome, Italy, were able to investigate the skulls without official permission. They published a full paper about their findings and were impressed with what they discovered. 

The long skulls found at the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum are a fascinating mystery. These skulls were originally on display at the National Archaeological Museum of Malta, but were removed from public view 30 years ago, accessible only to researchers with special permission. Recently, the skulls have been put on display again, but only six of the original eleven remain. The skulls turned out to be abnormal, lacking a central groove and longitudinal suture, and photographs and books by Dr Anton Mifsud and his colleague Dr Charles Savona Ventura attest to their abnormalities. .

Vittorio Di Cesare and Adriano Forgione of the journal HERA were allowed to investigate the skulls, and they discovered that the skulls elongated naturally rather than as a result of ice or planks. In addition, they could not find evidence of a midline suture, which doctors and anatomists considered impossible. Di Cesare and Forgione drew parallels between this discovery and Egyptian culture and “snake priests”. 

n a strange twist, a Republican politician, Ms. Rodriguez Aguilera, claimed in an interview that she was abducted by extraterrestrials as a child and was told by them that “there are 30,000 skulls – different from those of human beings – in a cave on the Mediterranean island of Malta”. While this claim is unsubstantiated, it adds to the mystery of the elongated skulls found in the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum.

Elongated skulls
Newspaper clipping about the secret elongated skulls of Malta
Elongated skulls from Malta
National Museum of Archeology
National Archaeological Museum: YouTube screenshot
National Archaeological Museum: YouTube screenshot
National Archaeological Museum: YouTube screenshot

After examining the remains of the Polished Stone Age in Malta, it is evident that the first settlers of the region were a group of people with elongated skulls and a medium stature. These individuals were believed to be related to the early inhabitants of Egypt, who traveled westward along the northern coast of Africa, some eventually settling in Malta and Sicily, while others ventured to Sardinia and Spain.

Interestingly, this type of skull deformation was not uncommon in ancient Egypt. The physical appearance of Akhenaten, in particular, stood out as unique, featuring unusual characteristics such as almond-shaped eyes, a small abdomen, slender limbs, and an elongated skull.

In addition to his physical traits, Akhenaten’s DNA also proved to be out of the ordinary. In 2015, a team led by Stuart Fleischmann, assistant professor of comparative genomics at Cairo University, conducted a seven-year study to map the genomes of nine ancient Egyptian pharaohs. While eight samples were entirely typical, the genome of Akhenaten, the ninth pharaoh, was distinctly unusual.


Fleischmann and his team utilized Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), a common technique in molecular biology, to analyze ancient DNA samples. This process is often used to replicate and amplify a single copy of DNA, providing researchers with a clear genetic fingerprint of a person.

Their study of bone tissue from the skull of Akhenaten revealed fundamental differences and much greater density than other mummies from the same time period. In fact, Akhenaten’s skull and skeleton were found to be twice as dense and durable as those of modern humans.

These results raise intriguing questions about the true identity of Akhenaten. Was he a hybrid of an extraterrestrial, a mutant, or a being from another planet? If any of these theories are accurate, it is possible that ancient aliens visited Earth in the distant past, resided in the Nile region, and interacted with the local inhabitants.

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