Tһіѕ new nᴜcleаr fᴜѕіon rocket wіll һelр ᴜѕ eѕcарe tһe ѕolаr ѕуѕteм іn oᴜr lіfetімe - timelineoffuture
September 27, 2024

A nuclear fusion rocket developed by a company could allow humanity to leave the solar system in the near future.

Nuclear fusion-powered rockets may be closer than you think.

According to a press release, the British rocket manufacturer Pulsar Fusion has received money from the British Space Agency to help it develop “an integrated electrical power system based on nuclear fission for propulsion” electromechanical”.

To realize the concept of green rocket technology, in the form of fusion propulsion, they will work with the universities of Cambridge and Southampton as well as the nuclear AMRC.

According to Pulsar Fusion’s press release, “while nuclear fusion may be the solution to the energy dilemma, it is also the solution to managing satellites in orbit and exploring space.” deep space. According to [Pulsar], thermonuclear propulsion is the only way humans can leave the solar system during their lifetime.

The goal of scientists around the world is to use nuclear fusion to produce energy on Earth, but this goal has not yet been achieved. Before achieving its ultimate goal, Pulsar Fusion may need to wait for improvements in the technology, but it could also advance efforts to develop commercially viable nuclear fusion technologies.

The company also produces many types of nuclear fusion engines and rockets in the meantime.This includes the largest and most powerful electric spacecraft engine ever tested in Europe, independently carried out by researchers at the University of Southampton in 2021 as part of a government-funded project .

High-density polyethylene (HDPE), oxygen and nitrogen oxide (N2O) fuel are burned in a “green” hybrid rocket engine developed by Pulsar Fusion. The oxidizing liquid under controlled pressure is introduced into the combustion chamber through the control valve.

Around November 2021, the company successfully tested its engine at the Cranfield Army Test and Evaluation Center (COTEC), a military facility run by the UK Ministry of Defense in Salisbury, Wilts. They previously conducted a successful global demonstration for space industry customers in Switzerland. “Pulsar builds and tests the most powerful electric propulsion engines in Europe,” explains Dr. James Lambert, Managing Director at Pulsar.

“Combining this part of our propulsion portfolio with nuclear fission reactor technology is an ideal fit for the company’s capabilities and I am delighted that this has been recognized by the UKSA .

The project will help us build relationships and collect important data that will contribute to our long-term ambitions for nuclear fusion propulsion.

Additionally, Pulsar Fusion received British government funding last September to help develop the Mach-7 Hall Effect Thruster, or HET, plasma satellite engine, which has a particle emission speed of 20 km/h. S. In the near future, the company wants to test its engine in space.

A nuclear fusion rocket prototype is something the British rocket company previously said it hoped to create by 2025.

According to its most recent press release, the company is confident it has could create “fusion-based propulsion technology and infrastructure.” “necessary to activate a nuclear thermonuclear missile” in less than four years.”

If successful, this technology could also be applied to Earth, which would change both the way we move through space and the way we produce energy on Earth.

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