Everything in the universe is destined to evaporate – Dr. Hawking’s radiation theory is not limited to black holes - timelineoffuture
June 29, 2024

Research shows that Stephen Hawking was mostly right about the evaporation of black holes by Hawking radiation. However, the study emphasizes that the event horizon is not important for this radiation, and that gravity and the curvature of spacetime play important roles. This result suggests that all large objects, not just black holes, may eventually evaporate through similar radiation processes.

A team of researchers has affirmed Stephen Hawking’s prediction about the evaporation of black holes via Hawking radiation, though they’ve provided a crucial modification. According to their research, the event horizon (the boundary beyond which nothing can escape a black hole’s gravitational pull) is not as important as previously believed in producing Hawking radiation. Instead, gravity and the curvature of spacetime play significant roles in this process. This insight extends the scope of Hawking radiation to all large objects in the universe, implying that, over a sufficiently long period, everything in the universe could evaporate.

A new theoretical study by Michael Wondrak, Walter van Suirekom and Heino Falke at Radboud University shows that Dr. Stephen Hawking was right about black holes, if not completely. The black hole will eventually evaporate due to Hawking radiation, but the event horizon is less important than previously thought. Gravity and the curvature of spacetime also cause this radiation. This means that all large objects in space, such as star debris, will eventually evaporate.

Dr. Stephen Hawking cleverly combined quantum physics and Einstein’s theory of gravity to show that the spontaneous formation and annihilation of particle pairs is the point at which the event horizon (the point beyond which the gravitational force of the black man cannot escape). Claimed it must happen nearby. hole). Particles and their antiparticles emerge from the quantum field for a very short time and then quickly annihilate each other. But in some cases, one particle falls into the black hole and then another one escapes (Hawking radiation). According to Hawking, this will eventually lead to the evaporation of the black hole

Gravitational Particle Production Mechanism in a Schwarzschild Spacetime
Schematic of the presented gravitational particle production mechanism in a Schwarzschild spacetime. The particle production event rate is highest at small distances, whereas the escape probability [represented by the increasing escape cone (white)] is highest at large distances. Credit: Physical Review Letters


In this new study, researchers at Radboud University reexamined this process to see if the existence of an event horizon actually matters. They combined techniques from physics, astronomy and mathematics to study what happens when such pairs of particles form around a black hole. The study showed that new particles could also form well beyond this horizon. Michael Wondrak: “We have shown that, in addition to the well-known Hawking radiation, there is also a new form of radiation, the generation of radiation.” separated by force. It was previously thought that radiation would not occur without an event horizon, but this study shows that this horizon is not necessary.

Everything evaporates

Van Suilekom: “Well beyond the black hole, we find that the curvature of spacetime plays a major role in the generation of radiation.” separated by tidal forces. It was previously thought that radiation would be impossible without an event horizon, but this study shows that this horizon is not necessary.

Falke: “This means that objects without event horizons, such as dead star remnants and other large bodies in space, also have this kind of radiation.” For a very long time, like a black hole, it would lead to the eventual evaporation of everything in the universe. Not only does this change our understanding of Hawking radiation, it also changes our view of the universe and its future. “

The study was published on June 2 in Physical Review Letters by the American Physical Society (APS).

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