Did ancient Sumerians know how to travel in space 7,000 years ago? - timelineoffuture
September 18, 2024

During a business trip to Dhi Qar in 2016, Iraqi Transport Minister Kazim Finjan made a shocking comment. He claims the Sumerians built their spaceport and actively traveled the solar system.

A restored ziggurat in Iraq, historical location of the once mighty Sumerian civilization. HomoCosmicos, via iStock

The Sumerians were a sophisticated civilization that lived in Mesopotamia around 7,000 years ago, which eventually became Babylonia and is now located in Iraq and Syria.

The Sumerian pyramids are break even with to the Egyptian pyramids in structural style. A few clarifications with respect to the reason of ziggurats (colossal structures made in antiquated Mesopotamia) have been advertised, piquing the intrigued of ufologists. No one expected the official to say something like that. 

A ziggurat may be a immense structure built in old Mesopotamia to raise the sanctuary over the clouds. The Mesopotamians thought their pyramid sanctuaries bridged the crevice between paradise and soil.

The Sumerians worshiped various divine beings. They supplicated to Anu (the sky god), Enki (the divinity of water, information, fiendishness, makes, and creation), Enlil (the Ruler Wind), Inanna (the Ruler of Paradise), Utu (the sun god), and Sin (the sun god) (moon-god).

They concocted, among other things, the wheel, cuneiform script, arithmetic, geometry, water system, saws and other instruments, shoes, chariots, spears, and beer.

Finjan accepts that the primary air terminals and spaceship stages were raised in Eridu and Ur antiquated towns around 7,000 a long time back. Shockingly, the serve required to clarify how the Sumerians got such innovation or why there was no prove of their presence.

Teacher Kamal Aziz Ketuly saw three Sumerian clay tablets containing cuneiform content and outlines dating back to generally 3,000 BC whereas visiting the Iraqi Museum’s Sumerian division in Baghdad. He claims to have found heliocentric delineations of the sun powered framework on one of the tablets.

Besides, “starting around 3000 BC, Mesopotamians utilized a calendar with months and a long time, illustrating that the Moon was considered at that early date.” In antiquated Mesopotamia, “the five unmistakable planets, as well as the Moon, Sun, stars, and other ethereal wonders, were known and studied.” The planets included are Mercury, Venus, Damages, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Researchers have given various conceivable outcomes for the roots of multi-tiered sanctuaries. One is to keep the building in great repair for as long as conceivable since it was built for the divine beings. As a result, each ensuing level was raised on beat of the one some time recently it.

The Sumerians expressed a want for the higher domain. The number of stages may be rise to to the number of celebrated individuals. It is basic to keep in mind that Lower Mesopotamia was fruitless of trees and minerals.

Since the Sumerians were dynamic dealers, it’s incomprehensible to say where the materials for a full-fledged spaceship came from. The truth will be darkened by the cover of time. On the off chance that the Sumerians had prevailed space, they would have long since fled the planet. 

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