Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - timelineoffuture
September 23, 2024

Kailasa Temple in Maharashtra, India is the world’s largest monolithic structure carved entirely by hand from a single rock. This is considered one of the most incredible works in architectural history.

Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 1.
Kailasa Temple in Maharashtra, India, one of the works considered the pinnacle of architecture carved from stone in India.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 2.
Kailasa Temple is carved from a rock face, 32,6 m high above the ground. Although the rock face slopes down from the back of the temple to the front, archaeologists believe it was carved from a single rock.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 3.
According to experts, the temple is made from megalithic stone. The main architectural style is Dravidian. Kailasa Temple has a square pyramid shape with meticulously carved details, about 3 floors high.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 4.
Kailasa Temple is surprising because the entire structure was created by vertical excavation, meaning the workers had to dig and chisel the stone blocks from top to bottom.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 5.
According to research by archaeologists, to complete this project, the ancients needed to carve and transport 400.000 tons of rock and soil to other places. If creating this temple manually, it would take workers up to 20 years to complete the work.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 6.
The temple consists of a horseshoe-shaped temple courtyard and a Gopuram tower at the entrance. On both sides of the main temple area are 30 m high columns, on which are engraved the images of many gods.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 7.
Not only has architectural value, Kailasa Temple is also home to thousands of sculptures, drawings and inscriptions that demonstrate the artistic and philosophical richness of ancient Indian civilization.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 8.
There is a stone tablet engraved with the content of the epic epic Ramayana. It is estimated that today there are still about 32 million Sanskrit carvings here that have not been translated.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 9.
In the grounds of this place of worship there are many elephant statues. Looking from above, Kailasa looks like it is protected by a herd of elephants.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 10.
Images of various deities and figures, all believed to be devotees of Shiva.
Close-up of the 1.200-year-old ancient temple carved from a giant block of stone - Photo 11.
Up to now, they still cannot explain how the ancients were able to separate giant boulders from a rocky mountain over 30 meters high in such a perfect proportion. Therefore, there are many rumors that Kailasa Temple is a structure built by aliens.

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