Ancient tools, estimated to be 40 million years old, were unearthed in a California gold mine. - timelineoffuture
September 20, 2024

In the mid-19th century, miners found hundreds of stone artifacts and human bones in tunnels on Table Mountain and other parts of the gold-mining district.

Experts believe that these bones and artifacts were found in layers of the Eocene (38-55 million years old). This data was provided by Dr. J.D. Whitney, California, Senior Government Geologist. The book The Gravels of California’s Sierra Nevada was published in 1880 by the Peabody Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. It has been removed from scholarly discourse because it reflects Darwin’s views on the origin of mankind. In 1849 gold was discovered in gravel in the bed of the Sierra Nevada.

This discovery has drawn many adventurers to towns such as Brandy City, Last His Chance, and Camp. First, miners threw away the gravel that had fallen to the bottom of the river to make nuggets and flakes. Gold mining companies quickly added more resources. They dug mines in mountainsides, tracking gravel deposits everywhere, and others used jets of high-energy water to clear the gold-bearing gravel slopes.

Miners found hundreds of stone artifacts and human traces. JD Whitney introduced the scientists to the most important items. While the dating of surface deposits and hydromining remains is questionable, objects found in deep mine shafts and tunnels can be more accurately dated. J.D. Whitney said geological data indicate that the air-bearing rocks date to the Pliocene. Geologists today believe that some gravel deposits date from the Eocene. Many shafts in Tulum County passed through the lower layers of Table Mountain to reach gold-bearing rocks.

Some waterfalls had horizontal shafts several hundred meters below the ratite. The gravel just above the bedrock has an age ranging from 33.2 to 56 million years, while the other gravel ages range from 9 to 55 million years. “If Professor Whitney had a complete understanding of the history of human evolution as we understand it today, he would have hesitated to publish his conclusions, despite the impressive testimony he faced,” said William. Professor B. Kennedy said. Holmes is a natural anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution.

In other words, if the facts do not support the idea, the facts must be discarded. That’s exactly what happened. Whitney still has some of his exhibits at the Phoebe Hurst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. Darwinism and other doctrines also influenced the treatment of archaeological finds at Hoeya Tlaco, Mexico. Cynthia Irwin Williams led an archaeologist who discovered stone tools associated with the bones of slaughtered animals during field trips in Hueyatlaco in the 1970s.

A team of geologists, including Virginia Steen McIntyre, dated the site. The site has been dated by geologists using the following methods: fission traces of zircon in the volcanic layer above the relic layer, dating of the “ranim” series of dismantled bones, above the relic layer zircon dating of the volcanic strata of volcanoes, and volcanic strata above the tephra hydrated dating relic strata of volcanic crystals. Archaeologists believe that (1) there were no humans anywhere on Earth who could create such artifacts 250,000 years ago, and (2) North America was inhabited until about 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. The age of the ruins was not acknowledged because they thought that they had not lived there.

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