The paleocontact hypothesis: The origin of ancient astronaut theory - timelineoffuture
October 5, 2024

The paleocontact theory, moreover known as the antiquated space explorer theory, may be a extreme scholarly concept to begin with proposed by Mathes M. Agrest, Henri Lhote, and others within the 1960s and habitually progressed in pseudoscientific and pseudohistorical writing since at that point that progressed outsiders played an persuasive part in past human issues.

Erich von Däniken, a writer, was his most vociferous and commercially fruitful advocate. In spite of the fact that the concept isn’t crazy in hypothesis (see the Gatekeeper speculation and outsider artifacts), there’s inadequately substantive prove to bolster it. In any case, when particular declarations are inspected in profundity, finding other, more bizarre answers is more often than not clear. In this situation, we’re talking about the Dogon tribe and their one of a kind understanding of the star Sirius.

Erich von Däniken (1935-….)

Erich Anton Paul von Däniken is a Swiss author of several books which make claims about extraterrestrial influences on early human culture, including the best-selling Chariots of the Gods?, published in 1968.

Erich von Däniken could be a Swiss creator of numerous best-sellers, starting with “Erinnerungen a pass on Zukunft” (1968, interpreted as “Chariots of the Gods?” in 1969), which advances the paleocontact speculation. Whereas the core preface of earlier outsider visits isn’t far-fetched, the information he and others have gathered to back their case is flawed and undisciplined, concurring to standard researchers. In any case, von Däniken’s distributions have sold millions of duplicates and verify to numerous eager people’s honest to goodness want to accept in conscious life past Soil.

Fair as Adamski’s well known and apparently non-fictional books fulfilled millions of people’s crave to accept in an extraterrestrial theory at a time when atomic war appeared unavoidable (see the “Cold War” related to UFO reports), von Däniken, more than a decade afterward, was able to incidentally fill the otherworldly void with their stories almost old space travelers and supernatural intelligence guests from the stars. 

Matest M. Agrest (1915-2005)

Mates Mendelevich Agrest was a Russian Empire-born mathematician and a proponent of the ancient astronaut theory. © Image Credit: Babelio

Mathes Mendelevich Agrest was a Russian-born ethnologist and mathematician who proposed in 1959 that some monuments from former societies on Earth arose due to communication with an extraterrestrial race. His writings, along with those of numerous other experts, including French archaeologist Henri Lhote, established a foundation for the paleocontact concept, later popularized and sensationally published in books by Erich von Däniken and his followers.

Mathes Mendelevich Agrest was a Russian-born ethnologist and mathematician who proposed in 1959 that a few landmarks from previous social orders on Soil emerged due to communication with an extraterrestrial race. His works, in conjunction with those of various other specialists, counting French prehistorian Henri Lhote, built up a establishment for the paleocontact concept, afterward popularized and outstandingly distributed in books by Erich von Däniken and his devotees.
Agrest was born in Mogilev, Belarus, and graduated from Leningrad College in 1938 some time recently winning his Ph.D. in 1946. In 1970, he was designated chief of the college research facility. In 1992, he resigned and moved to the Joined together States. In 1959, Agrest shocked his colleagues by claiming that the endless patio at Baalbek in Lebanon was utilized as a dispatch cushion for spaceships which the scriptural Sodom and Gomorrah (twin cities in antiquated Palestine on the Jordan plain) were devastated by a atomic blast. Mikhail Agrest, his child, bolstered additionally bizarre beliefs.

Mikhail Agrest, the child of Malatesta Agrest, was a teacher within the Office of Material science and Space science at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. In keeping with his father’s bequest of looking for clarifications for atypical earthly wonders from the point of view of extraterrestrial insights, he respected the Tunguska wonder as the blast of an outsider spaceship. Felix Siegel of the Moscow Flying Founded concurred, proposing that the question executed controlled maneuvers before dropping. 

Henri Lhote (1903-1991)

Henri Lhote was a French explorer, ethnographer, and discoverer of prehistoric cave art. He is credited with the discovery of an assembly of 800 or more works of primitive art in a remote region of Algeria on the edge of the Sahara desert.

Henri Lhote was a French ethnologist and researcher who uncovered significant rock carvings at Tassili-n-Ajera in the Sahara and documented them in his 1958 book Search of Tassili frescoes. Lot Jabbaren, “the great Martian god,” was the moniker given to the strange person shown in this book.

Even though this picture and other photos of strange appearance depict ordinary people dressed in ritual masks and costumes, the popular press made much of this early paleocontact hypothesis, and Erich von Däniken later used it as a portion of his spectacular declarations about “antiquity cosmonauts.”

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