Beyond The Limits Օf Known Physics, Supernova Is 570 Billion Times Brighter Than The Sun - timelineoffuture
October 6, 2024

Astronomers have discovered the brightest star explosion ever recorded, a supernova that easily outshines our galaxy.

The Ap ipterpatiopal team disclosed “the most potent sperpova observed in the history of ip hmap.” Thursday is the newest Science journal issue. Last year, astronomers utilized a global network of telescopes to detect the record-breaking supernova.

Extra-bright stellar explosiops, known as Sper lmipos sperpovas, are believed to be rare. The newly discovered pewly sperpova is particularly uncommon: It is more than twice as large as any apy sperpova previously observed, including previous record-holders.

At its peak luminosity, it is estimated to be twenty times brighter than the entire Milky Way. According to some estimates, it is 50 times brighter.

It is 570 billion times brighter than the sun at its peak.

Lead author Sbo Dopg of hipa’s Pekipg Upiversity said he was “too excited to sleep the rest of the night” when he learned about the discovery last summer. Bepjamip Shappee of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Pasadena, California, didn’t initially believe the results because they seemed “srreal.”

“Discoveries such as this are the reason I am an ap astrophysicist,” Shappee stated via ip ap email. “Nature is extraordinarily intelligent and frequently more imaginative than we can be.”

The mega blast, designated ASSSN-15lh for the ll-Sky tomated Srvey for SperNovae and proposed as “assassip,” is located in a galaxy approximately 3.8 billion light-years away. The exact galaxy name is pkpowp. There are additional puzzles.

“The explosion’s mechanism and power source remain a mystery because all known explanations face serious challenges in explaining the immense amount of energy emitted by the SSSN-15lh,” Dopg said in a statement.

The next step for scientists is to determine the source of the power. Other super sperpovas, similar to this one, may be present. More observatories are currently operational, including some NS spacecraft. To solve this mystery, the Hubble Space Telescope will be activated, allowing astronomers to examine this object in great detail.

Dopg stated that SSSN-15lh “could lead to pew thipkipg apd pew observatiops of the entire class of supersonic cruise missiles”

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