New mind bending physics paper suggests that gravity can transform into light - timelineoffuture
October 6, 2024

According to a research team, the transformation of gravity into light is possible, but solely under the condition that space-time exhibits specific behavior.

Image by Merlin Lightpainting from Pixabay

Under typical conditions, it’s impossible to obtain anything without having something initially. In general, the Standard Model of particle physics, which is currently the dominant explanation for the assortment of subatomic particles, typically precludes the conversion of weightless particles into weighty ones. Although particles in the Standard Model experience continuous transformations via various reactions and processes, the photon, which is weightless and serves as a conduit for light, generally does not undergo conversion into different particles. Under certain favorable circumstances, such as when a photon comes into contact with a sizable atom, it may undergo a spontaneous division to yield both an electron and a positron, both of which possess considerable mass.

A group of theoretical physicists, who published a paper on the preprint database arXiv on March 28, used a widely recognized illustration to explore the possibility of gravity being able to morph into different particles. The traditional understanding of gravity revolves around general relativity, wherein the movement of particles is impacted by twists and contorts in the fabric of space-time. It would be quite challenging to conceive of the manner in which particles can be formed by the force of gravity depicted in that image. It is possible to perceive gravity from a quantum perspective, where the gravitational pull is conveyed by an immense number of undetectable particles identified as gravitons. Although our understanding of quantum gravity remains incomplete, it is recognized that gravitons have analogous characteristics to those of other fundamental particles, with the capacity to undergo transformations.

In order to verify this hypothesis, the scientists examined the circumstances that existed during the infancy of the universe. In its early stages, our universe existed as a compact, heated and concentrated entity. During the early universe, matter and energy existed at magnitudes beyond the limits achievable by our most advanced particle colliders.

The scientists discovered that gravitational waves have a significant impact in this configuration, as they are produced by the collision of the largest celestial bodies and create a disturbance in the space-time continuum. Typically, gravitational waves have an exceptionally feeble strength that can only cause a slight displacement in an atom that is shorter than the size of its own nucleus. During the initial stages of the universe, there is a possibility that the waves were significantly more intense, which could have potentially impacted all other aspects.

The initial waves may have oscillated and grown in strength. If there were anything else present in the universe, it would have inevitably been influenced by the turbulent movements of the waves, ultimately resulting in a resonant outcome. Similar to a child strategically pumping their legs on a swing to increase its height, the gravitational waves functioned as a mechanism to drive matter into dense clusters repeatedly.

The electromagnetic field may be impacted by the presence of gravitational waves. As ripples present in the fabric of space-time, the waves do not confine themselves to engaging with objects of immense magnitude. As the undulations persist, they have the ability to propel radiation to exceedingly high levels of potency, which can result in the emergence of photons without warning, thereby causing gravity to engender light.

The efficiency of this process, as stated by the researchers, is generally low. As the early universe was in a state of expansion, the conventional gravitational wave patterns would have had limited longevity. The team discovered that in case the early universe had a sufficient amount of matter, the velocity of light could have decreased, similar to how light slows down while travelling through a medium such as water or air. This could result in the existence of the waves for a longer duration, thereby initiating the generation of an abundance of photons.

The intricate and convoluted physics of the early universe, capable of accomplishing unprecedented achievements, still elude complete comprehension by physicists. The recent study contributes another element to the intricate web of knowledge, indicating that gravity can generate light. It is likely that this radiation would subsequently impact the development of substance and the progression of the universe, and comprehending the complete ramifications of this unexpected phenomenon has the potential to spark novel breakthroughs in our comprehension of the inception of the cosmos.

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