Black holes are surrounded by massive energy-harvesting megastructures that could power alien civilizations - timelineoffuture
September 27, 2024

Black holes could be surrounded by massive, energy-harvesting structures could power alien civilizations.

Black Holes: The Cosmic Powerhouses for Advanced Civilizations

In science fiction, the concept of harnessing the energy of a black hole is a familiar metaphor. However, this idea may not be as far-fetched as one might think, according to a new study. Researchers have suggested that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations could build massive energy-harvesting structures, known as Dyson spheres, around black holes, harnessing powerful sources of energy. 100,000 times more than our Sun.

A new perspective on energy harvesting.

Physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960 suggested that any sufficiently advanced civilization to survive must build massive structures around stars to harness their energy.These Dyson spheres, traditionally visualized around stars, could be made up of a group of satellites orbiting a star, capturing its energy and converting it into usable energy.

Black holes: not only consuming the universe

Contrary to their reputation as the devourers of the universe, black holes can be a source of incredible energy production. Their extremely large gravitational fields can generate energy through various theoretical processes, including radiation emitted by the accretion disk of matter spiraling into the black hole. According to calculations by astronomer Tiger Hsiao and his colleagues, the energy of the accretion disk of a black hole 20 times the mass of the sun could be equivalent to the emitted power of Dyson spheres of about 100,000. star.

Detecting extraterrestrial superstructures.

If such technology exists, it could leave detectable marks. The researchers think that the waste heat from the “hot” Dyson sphere, capable of withstanding temperatures above 3,000 Kelvin, would be detectable at ultraviolet wavelengths by telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope. NASA.

An overview of advanced civilizations.

Tomáš Opatrný, a physicist not involved in the research, humorously reflects on the possibility of using such great power, showing that it can be used for anything, from “cryptocurrency mining to nurturing an ever-evolving bureaucracy”.»

In a universe full of mysteries, the concept of black holes serving as cosmic powerhouses for advanced civilizations adds a layer of awe and wonder, suggesting that, perhaps, the universe is far more intricate and full of potential than we often imagine.


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