NASA will launch “God” capable of “Space Reversion” - timelineoffuture
July 8, 2024

Nancy Grace Roman, NASA’s forthcoming fighter, was described by the space agency as “going back to the cosmic clock, allowing astronomers to see space the way they had never done before”.

NASA’s “The Warrior” Nancy Grace Roman can carry more “superpowers” than James Webb – Photo by NASA

According to Space, NASA reported that Nancy Grace Roman also possesses superior speed and observation power. Simulations suggest that it will take only 63 days to photograph the same regions that the Hubble Space Telescope takes 85 years to capture.

Nancy Grace Roman will work closely with two other extremely powerful space telescopes developed and operated by NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb, which focus more on deep observations of ancient objects and the detailed spectra of exoplanets.

Nancy Grace Roman provides a much larger view of the two companions, who will be a warrior to help NASA have the most detailed and overview of the universe. Of course, the data will be shared widely with the world science community for joint research.

The new warrior may also advance the study of the nature of dark energy, which is driving the increasing expansion of the universe, in addition to “backwards” into the beginning of the universe and the first galactic structures to form in the midst of the Big Bang.

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