Shocking cosmic “corpse” comes out, knocks out every astronomical theory - timelineoffuture
July 8, 2024

German and Brazilian scientists in turn studied a “wandering corpse” in the supernova remnant HESS J1731-347 8,150 light-years from Earth, but could not understand what it was. According to Science Alert, it was certainly the “corpse” of a star but evolved in a way never seen before.The mysterious cosmic “corpse” named XMMU J173203.3-344518, described as “bizarre” in research by the University of São Paulo and the ABC Federal University (Brazil), has a mass of about 3/4 the Sun but a size that may fall within the city of Manhattan (New York state – USA).

It’s strangely dense but “not the way you think” – the researchers described.

A hypothetical “strange star” was born in the universe? – (Picture: El Fronterizo).

Last year, this “corpse” was discovered by researchers from the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Tubingen University in Germany, which identified how we are 8,150 light-years away and as a stellar “corpse” in the supernova HESS J1731-347.It carries the characteristics of a neutron star and should have been a neutron star.

Neutron stars are the “monster corpses” of massive stars that run out of fuel. Then, its own gravitational pull will crush the dead and collapse into a small, dense object – called a neutron star.

The neutron star is dense and very heavy by its atoms being tightly pressed. Deep in the core, electrons are crammed into the nucleus, which causes protons to lose power and turn into neutrons. If enough mass is present, it will collapse once again into a black hole

The mass limit of a neutron star is just slightly more than our Sun, with the previous record setting equal to 1.17 solar masses.

But the bizarre object just identified only 77% of the Sun. It is also not a white dwarf – the “corpse” form of the lighter stars. It cannot be a neutron star either.

The new investigation investigated the mass, radius, and temperature of the surface and suggested that it represented what is called a “strange star”, composed primarily of strange quack particles, a hypothetical astronomical object.

A quack particle is an elementary particle that can be grouped into triplets to produce baryons such as protons or neutrons. However, under certain conditions, including sufficiently large pressures, they may appear as a hypothetical matter that is quark matter.

Scientists still have not explained what may create a “strange star” in the dying process of another star. However, this suggests that the ghost star’s “corpse” is worth the community’s view of the lens towards it.


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