NASA Conducts First Physical Experiment to Test Faster-Than-Light Travel - timelineoffuture
July 8, 2024

NASA is conducting the first-ever physical experiment to test whether faster-than-light travel is possible or not. The notion of traveling faster than the speed of light has always been limited to the realm of science fiction, but scientists, such as Harold White and his team at NASA, have been working on the Alcubierre Drive to explore and improve it further.

While special relativity might be true, it’s possible that we might not need a spaceship that can travel at the speed of light to go faster than light. Instead, we can place the spaceship in a space that moves faster than the speed of light. This would mean the ship’s propulsion system wouldn’t need to be able to move at the speed of light.

One can easily understand this concept by picturing a flat escalator at an airport moving faster than someone can walk. Similarly, the space around the spaceship would move faster than the spaceship itself, keeping all of the ship’s matter together. In a space-time cloud with no matter, we can move faster than light.

The Alcubierre Drive is based on Einstein’s field equations, which suggests that a spacecraft could travel faster than light by shrinking the space in front of it and growing the space behind it. This would create the possibility of traveling faster than light. Physicist Miguel Alcubierre first noticed this possibility, where staying still on a flat piece of space-time inside a warp bubble that was made to move faster than light is like moving.

Recently, James Hill, a mathematician, and Barry Cox, working at the University of Adelaide, showed how this concept works. In a paper published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, they explained the idea behind moving pieces of space-time created when space-time expands behind a ship and contracts in front of it.

Initially, people thought that Einstein’s theory of special relativity suggested that going faster than light was impossible. However, special relativity only implies that the distance you travel depends on how fast you move and for how long. For instance, if you drive 70 mph for an hour, you will have traveled 70 miles. Nonetheless, no matter how fast you move, you will always see the speed of light as the same. It’s similar to how you can tell what something is by how it sounds if you close your eyes and pretend that hearing is your only sense.

The atoms and molecules that make up matter are connected by electromagnetic fields, which are the same things that make up light. The thing that could go faster than light is made of the same stuff as the barrier. So, how can something move faster than the force that holds its atoms together? This is what previously stopped them.

NASA scientists are making modifications to Alcubierre’s model right now, as energy densities are not yet high enough to change space-time.

Faster-than-light travel, commonly referred to as “hyperspace” or “warp” drive, is still a guess based on what people know for sure. Although several pieces of evidence suggest that it is possible and has already been done, mainstream science is still playing catch-up. At present, traveling faster than light is still a theory, but it is feasible.

However, other factors are also becoming apparent that must be taken into consideration. Recently, Dr. Brian O’Leary, a former NASA astronaut and physics professor at Princeton, showed that there are three “super-Earths” that most likely have abundant life. Congress is also discussing and examining proof of Earth-like planets discovered by the Kepler Telescopes. Furthermore, a few weeks ago, some former congressmen and women participated in a citizens hearing on UFOs, and there is growing evidence that we might have found or developed some of that technology.

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