Unseen Passage Discovered in Egypt’s Great Pyramid: Cosmic Rays Unveil the Mystery - timelineoffuture
September 24, 2024

Over the centuries, the Great Pyramid of Giza has been the subject of countless mysteries, many of which remain unsolved. This ancient architectural marvel remains a secret even today. Its gigantic presence on the Giza Plateau reminds us of the civilization that once reigned supreme under Pharaoh Khufu.

Cosmic rays reveal 'hidden' 30-foot-long corridor in Egypt's Great Pyramid » Iraqi News Agency

A Hidden Corridor Comes to Light

Scientists used cutting-edge technology to discover a hidden corridor on the north face of the pyramid, above the building’s original entrance. Cosmic rays and endoscopic images have uncovered this 9 m (30 ft) “hidden” passageway of his, located behind a distinct chevron structure outside the pyramid.

This discovery was documented in a study published in Nature Communications. Researchers used an endoscope to examine the interior features of the passageway. However, no relics have been found so far.

A Glimpse into the Past

The Great Pyramid was built around 2551 BC. Built by Pharaoh Khufu. It was the tallest building on earth until 2528 BC until 1311. Today, it stands a whopping 139 meters (456 feet) high, making it the only surviving wonder of the ancient world.

The intriguing discovery of a hidden corridor was made possible by cosmic-ray muon scanning. Muons are particles that form when cosmic rays collide with atoms in the Earth’s atmosphere. Because they behave differently when interacting with rock than when interacting with air, scientists can use muon detectors to reveal hidden chambers in pyramids.

This study marks a milestone in archaeological research, as it is the first to pinpoint the location and dimensions of the Great Pyramid’s hidden cavity with such precision.

The Future of Exploration

The scientific community has long known that there may be hidden spaces within the pyramids. The first mention of an unknown ‘cavity’ appeared in his 2016, but it is only now that scientists have been able to unravel this hidden passageway.

An endoscope inserted into the hidden corridor reveals that no artifacts are visible within the hidden void. (Image credit: Copyright ScanPyramidsMission, 2023)

Another large cavity approximately 100 feet (30 m) long was identified above the pyramid’s ‘great corridor’ in 2017, although a thorough analysis of this space has yet to be performed.

What Lies Ahead for Egypt’s Great Pyramid

There may be no relics in this newly discovered cloister, but the finds offer insight into the construction of the pyramids. Former Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, suggested the corridor was designed to relieve structural stress from the pyramid’s heavy construction materials.

A multinational scientific team is applying for permission to use a more sensitive muon detector that can identify potential artifacts in the pyramids. With these tools, you may discover even more in the secret passageways of the Great Pyramids.

As we continue to delve into the architectural marvels of the past, each fact brings us one step closer to understanding the enigmatic history of Egypt’s Great Pyramids. The quest for knowledge remains relentless, and we expect even more fascinating discoveries in the years to come.

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