The Antikythera Mechanism: A Mysterious Ancient Computer - timelineoffuture
September 24, 2024

Imagine encountering a 1st century BC shipwreck. A complex machine that can calculate the movements of the sun, moon and planets and predict solar eclipses and sporting events. That’s exactly what happened in 1901. A diver who was exploring a sunken Roman cargo ship near Antikythera in Greece discovered a corroded bronze device with gears and inscriptions. The device, now known as the Antikythera Mechanism, is the oldest known example of an analog computer and is widely considered to be a remarkable testament to the scientific and technological achievements of ancient Greece.

What is the Antikythera Mechanism?
The Antikythera Mechanism is a manual device that uses a system of 30 gears to perform astronomical calculations. He consists of two main parts, the front dial and the back dial, each with hands and scales. The front dial shows the position and age of the sun and moon in the zodiac. The rear dial has two spiral scales. One represents the Metonic Cycle, his 19-year cycle that aligns the solar and lunar calendars. Another is his 18-year Saros cycle that predicts solar eclipses. The rear dial also has a smaller dial that shows the four-year cycle of sporting events such as the Olympics.

The mechanism was originally housed in a wooden box with a door engraved with an inscription explaining its function and use. The suitcase measures approximately 34 cm x 18 cm x 9 cm (13.4 inches x 7.1 inches x 3.5 inches), roughly the size of a shoe box. The mechanism is operated by turning a knob on the side, which rotates the main gear and transmits its motion to other gears and hands.

Who did it and when?

The origin and purpose of the Antikythera Mechanism is still debated among scholars, but there are some clues that may help narrow down its date and location. The inscription on the machine is written in Koine Greek, the common language of the Hellenistic world. The writing style and vocabulary suggest that it was written in the 2nd or 1st century BC. It was written. The month names on the Saros dial correspond to the month names used in Corinth and its colonies in northwestern Greece, or Sicily. The names of sporting events on the smaller dial include those played in Rhodes, Delos, Nemea and Isthmia, but not Olympia, which date from 200 BC onwards. suggests that it has been done. Added when Olympia lost its importance.

This mechanism also reflects the advanced astronomical knowledge developed by Greek astronomers such as Hipparchus of Rhodes, who lived in the 2nd century BC. lived. Hipparchus was the first to discover the phenomenon of equinox precession, which causes slow changes in the positions of stars over time. He also studied the erratic motion of the Moon, which varies in speed and distance from the Earth depending on its phase. The Antikythera Mechanism captures these features by using an elaborate system of planetary gears (gears that move on top of other gears) and a slot and pin mechanism (slots with pins that move along them). We incorporate both into our calculations.

Based on these evidence, most scholars agree that the Antikythera mechanism was made sometime between 150 and 100 BC, possibly in Rhodes or Syracuse. It is not clear who commissioned it or who used it, but some speculate that it may have been a scientific instrument for teaching or research, or a luxury item for displaying one’s wealth and erudition.

How was it discovered and studied?

The Antikythera Mechanism was found among other artifacts in a shipwreck discovered by sponge divers in 1900. This ship was a Roman freighter built around 60 BC. BC probably sank en route from Greece to Rome. Divers recovered many items from the wreck, including statues, pottery, coins, jewelry, and furniture. Beneath it was a piece of gear and a lump of bronze with an inscription. This mass was initially overlooked as a trivial piece of junk until archaeologist Valerios Staithe discovered gears inside in 1902.

Since then, many researchers have used various methods such as X-ray radiography, surface imaging, microfocus X-ray computed tomography (CT), and digital reconstruction to solve the mystery of the Antikythera mechanism. have attempted to elucidate. These techniques have revealed details about its structure, function and inscription content over time. However, some aspects of this mechanism remain unknown or uncertain, such as its complete original appearance, missing parts and functions, and exact accuracy and reliability.

Why is it important?

The Antikythera Mechanism is important for several reasons. First, this is a unique and amazing relic that demonstrates the advanced level of ancient Greek science and technology. This shows that the Greeks had a deep understanding of astronomy and mathematics and were able to use that knowledge to design and build complex mechanical devices that could perform the calculations required by modern computers. In addition, we can see that they possessed advanced skills in metal processing, engineering, and crafts, and were able to create precise and complex gears and mechanisms.

Secondly, it is a valuable source of information on the history of ancient astronomy and calendar systems. It describes how the Greeks observed and measured the movements of celestial bodies, how they developed theories and models to explain them, and how they were used to organize religious and social life. It shows what you used. It also shows how they passed on and passed on their astronomical knowledge to other cultures, such as the Romans. They may have obtained this mechanism as booty or as a gift.

Third, this is an interesting mystery that challenges and inspires modern scientists and engineers. It asks questions about how and why it was made, who made it and who used it, what other similar devices existed, and what other mysteries still remain. cause. It also stimulates new inventions and discoveries, such as recreating and simulating mechanisms, new methods and techniques for studying ancient artifacts, and new insights into the nature and origin of computation.

The Antikythera mechanism is a remarkable testimony of the human intellect and creativity. It is a window into the past that opens new horizons for the future. It is a masterpiece of ancient engineering and astronomy that still amazes us today.

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