Jellyfish Galaxy JO206: Cosmic Wonders Captured by Hubble - timelineoffuture
September 20, 2024

Check out this incredible Hubble photograph of the Jellyfish Galaxy JO206.

Illuminated by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, Jellyfish Galaxy JO206 reveals its brilliant star-forming disk in a soft glowing dust cloud. More than 700 million light years away, the galaxy is caught in the distant constellation Aquarius and offers a breathtaking view. In the lower quadrant of the image, a handful of bright stars make a lasting impression on the pitch-black canvas.

The interesting subject of this image, his JO206, marks the demise of a series of strange jellyfish-like galaxies and adds to Hubble’s extraordinary catalog of space observations.

Jellyfish Galaxies: An Intriguing Phenomenon

The title “Jellyfish Galaxy” comes from its mysterious appearance resembling aquatic life. In the JO206 image, trails of bubbly star formations resembling jellyfish tentacles flow from the disk toward the lower right of the image. These peculiar tendrils are formed by the interaction of the galaxy with the intracluster medium (the sparse superheated plasma that permeates the cluster). This dynamic interaction draws gas out of the galaxy and forms the tendrils that form the stars.

Unlocking Secrets of Star Formation in Extreme Conditions

The tentacles of the jellyfish galaxy offer astronomers an excellent opportunity to observe star formation under harsh conditions, far from the influence of the main galactic disk. Interestingly, the Hubble data reveal negligible differences between star formation in the jellyfish galaxy’s disk and its tentacles. This finding suggests that the environment of the newborn star slightly influences its formation process.

Hubble’s haunting cosmic portrait

Hubble’s snapshot shows a partially tilted spiral galaxy. Its bright inner disk glows with bright blue and red specks – a sign of active star formation in its arms. It is surrounded by a paler, dust-filled outer disk. Numerous arms extend from the disc, extending to the lower right in faint trails across the image. Three bright stars highlight the cosmic scene against an almost blank dark background.

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