Practical Magic: The Summoning Spells of The Book of Abramelin - timelineoffuture
September 20, 2024

Supernatural rituals, occultism, mysticism and even demonic worship have terrified and intrigued humans since the dawn of time. There’s something about the cult stories, the stories of Aleister Crowley and the alchemist Nicholas Flamel, and the thought of the unknown, unseen, and potentially lethal that keeps people coming back to find more about.

One of the easiest ways for people who want to learn more about spirituality, mysticism, and alchemy is to read books that have been described as “cursed” throughout history. There are surprisingly many such books out there.

Not all cursed books are as colossal as the 165-pound “Devil’s Bible,” the Codex Gigas, or as infamous as the Grand Grimoire black magic notebook, but some contain powers like no other. should try to find out. . One of the lesser known cursed books you can read is Abramelin the Magus’ Sacred Book of Magic.

This grimoire, dating from AD 1458, guides the reader through the process of contacting and manipulating a celestial body to their liking and whims. The process can be difficult, but the details are enough to make The Book of Abramelin notorious and potentially dangerous.

Abramelin’s book
The Magician Abramelin’s Book of Sacred Spells, commonly known as the Book of Abramelin, is a European Kabbalistic grimoire. The book tells the story of an Egyptian magician named Abra-Melim aka Abraham, and the magic he taught and bestowed upon Abraham of Worms. Abraham de Worms was a Jew from Worms, Germany, believed by some to have lived around 1362-1458. The jury is still out on whether Abraham de Worms is a real person, but he is the main character in The Book of Abramelin. 

The Book takes the form of a series of letters outlining the life of Abra-Melin, an Egyptian mage (Unknown Author / CC BY 4.0)

The Abramelin book takes the form of a biographical novel, a type of novel written in the form of a series of letters, but also an autobiography in which Abraham de Worms recounts his journey from Germany to Egypt. The epic aspect of the book is that the book is addressed to Abraham’s son, Lamech, and at the same time reveals and imparts the teaching of magic and magic that Abramelin gave to Abraham, who is currently sharing the teachings with his son.

For those unfamiliar with the Jewish Kabbalah, it is important to explain what the study and practice of Kabbalah is before learning more about the Book of Abramelin. Kabbalah is an esoteric method and school of thought in Jewish mysticism.

There are many different schools of Kabbalah, but the basic Jewish Kabbalah is a group of esoteric teachings given by a rabbi for the purpose of explaining the relationship between the eternal and infinite God and the universe. finite and finite (the creation of God/man). Most forms of Jewish mysticism focus on three different aspects:
investigation, experience and practice.

The investigative aspect of Kabbalah is the search for the hidden reality of our universe and the secret knowledge the universe holds about its creation. Simply put, it is a metaphysical inquiry into philosophy, science, and existence. 

The experiential measurement of Kabbalah is the physical or mental journey for a supernatural involvement in which one experiences God. This includes living a ethically and profoundly restrained life, and numerous who think about Kabbalah will commit noteworthy parcels of their day to reverential hones and considering the Writing, the Torah, and any other Jewish writings. 

The “Tree of Life”, perhaps the most recognizable aspect of the Jewish Kabbalah today (Josef Gikatilla / Public Domain)

The viable measurement of Kabbalah is the utilize of ceremonies and “exercising control to impact alter in our world and ethereal universes past ours.” These “rituals” are as it were for great and are not fiendish in nature. The ceremonies are a way of encouraging God’s eagerly for the world, for great to triumph over fiendish and to patch the hearts, minds, and souls of others.

An illustration of such a custom is the Kabbalat Shabbat, which truly interprets to “the Gathering of the Sabbath,” inviting the soul of the Sabbath into one’s claim body. 

Abramelin the Mage

In the first volume of The Book of Abramelin, Abraham describes Abramelin as a “venerable aged man” who is kind and generous. Abramelin lived in the desert outside of the town of Arachi, which borders the Nile in Egypt.

Abraham tells his son Lamech that Abramelin spoke of “nothing but the ‘Fear of God,’ the importance of living a well-balanced life, and the evils of the ‘acquisition of riches and goods.’“ He asks Abraham to promise him that he will abandon his life of false dogmas and live in the way of the lord.

Once Abraham swears to maintain his guarantee to Abramelin, the mage gives him two books he must duplicate by hand and demands that Abraham allow him ten gold coins. Abramelin clears out his leave domestic to disperse the money from Abraham to “72 destitute individuals in Arachi”.

After 15 days, Abramelin returns to his domestic, where Abraham has wrapped up replicating the books. Abramelin has Abraham recount an vow to live and serve the Master in fear and to live and kick the bucket within the Lord’s most heavenly law.

Upon recounting the promise, Abramelin gives Abraham the “Divine Science” and “True Magic,” which are implanted into the two compositions he had to duplicate. He was teaching to take after the books and as it were share this data with somebody he knew well. 

How to Conjure Your HGA

The Book of Abramelin contains three parts, the first is the re-telling of Abraham’s encounter with Abramelin, and the second two book outlines a process known as the Abramelin Operation. The Abramelin Operation is best described as a step-by-step guide through a 6-18 month-long ritual one can perform to conjure and speak with an individual’s Holy Guardian Angel, abbreviated as HGA.

The third book is to be used after the Abramelin Operation has been completed and contains individual sigils and spells in the form of “Word Squares.” These spells cover everything from invisibility to wealth, adoration, and flight.

If the instructions are followed to the letter, the book claims that an angel will appear and you will be able to control it (Wirestock Creators / Public Domain)

The famous English occultist, philosopher, ceremonial magician, and religious founder Aleister Crowley read The Book of Abramelin and believed that someone could slightly alter the process to summon or form an “idealized entity based in any desired language and symbolism at the discretion of the conjurer.” Crowley himself had claimed to have undergone the primary ritual of the Abramelin Operation twice. The concepts and ideas from The Book of Abramelin helped create the foundation for his occultist religion, Thelema.

Operation Abramelin is a very stressful and lengthy process with rules to follow. The following description of the process has been simplified and condensed. If one wishes to perform this ritual at his own risk, he or she should obtain a copy of the Book of Abramelin.

A person should withdraw from society, focus on meditation and daily prayer, and not practice any other form of magic for the 6-18 month period that the surgery requires. This process can be divided into three main stages.

The process includes a ritual cleansing schedule at specific times of the day, followed by prayers for an HGA visit in an area with an altar and open windows, and meditation. . On the eve of the Sabbath, an individual will make his bed and body and fast.

At the end of the process, the only thing an individual does is engage in purification, pray, and study the scriptures. Anyone other than those living in the home should be avoided and self-isolation encouraged if possible. 

A Cursed Book?

The Book of Abramelin has often been considered a “cursed” book because the book does warn that only those with good intentions can complete the operation, and binding a spirit or opening up a gateway between this world and the next can be dangerous. If you look at other grimoires or “spell books,” the same warning is given, but The Book of Abramelin is not cursed at its core.

The very involved and escalating intensity requirements of the Abramelin Operation can have a psychological impact on one undertaking the ritual. Many cults throughout history will use isolation, manual labor, intense study, sleep deprivation, starvation, and praise to keep members under the leader’s control.

The occultist Aleister Crowley tried at least twice to complete the ritual (Unknown Author / Public Domain)

This often leaves the subject too mentally exhausted to question what would and is contrary to the moral, moral, and spiritual beliefs they hold as a human being. It’s part of what the media likes to call “brainwashing” or ideological reform.

The Book of Abramelin is not Jim Jones or David Koresh; At its core, it emphasizes the idea of ​​being religious and pure. What can have a psychological impact on the reader is that repetition of habitual behaviors and actions, isolation for up to 18 months, and trust in an unwarranted process can lead to depression. increased feelings, poor coping skills, and anxiety.

If someone already has a mental illness, Abramelin surgery can make symptoms worse. The idea of ​​a cursed book is often propagated by the media and by those who oppose what it contains, such as magic or doing something to possess divine powers when a people are mortals.

Will you open a portal to hell if you choose to try to contact your Divine Guardian Angel as stated in the Book of Abramelin? No, you won’t. You will discover a book that has made a significant contribution to modern occultism, making it what it is today. 

Top Image: The Book of Abramelin contains detailed instructions for summoning your very own guardian angel. Source: lidiia / Adobe Stock.

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