10 weirdest planets in space that defy logic (Video) - timelineoffuture
October 6, 2024

Space is full of puzzles, and the planets in our universe are no exemption. From a precious stone planet to a planet that downpours glass, the differences of these ethereal bodies is really shocking. In this article, we’ll take a closer see at the best 10 most interesting planets within the known universe.

To begin with on the list is TrES-2b, a planet found 750 light a long time absent from our sun oriented framework. This dull and foreboding planet is officially the darkest planet within the whole universe, reflecting less than 1% of all light that hits it. Its surface gleams a liquid ruddy color due to the rebuffing warm of 1,100 degrees Celsius.

Following up is 55 Cancri e, a planet twice the estimate of Soil that’s around a third made up of strong precious stone. Whereas the idea of a planet made of jewels could seem exciting, it’s found 40 light a long time absent from Soil, and indeed in the event that we may travel there and recover its unending supply of precious stones, it would totally overpower the precious stone supply on Earth, making the precious stones useless.

Moving on, Gliese 436 b may be a monster ball of ice that’s continually on fire. In spite of its surface burning at 439 degrees Celsius, the planet’s gravity is so solid that it pulls the dissolved ice water towards its center, compressing it into a strong shape, halting it from ever vanishing. 

The planet HD 189773b is no less strange, with its atmosphere full of silicon particles that condense to form solid glass due to its extremely high surface temperatures. This causes the glass to fly around the planet sideways in its endless 4,000 mph winds, making it a truly inhospitable place.

Space is full of puzzles, and the planets in our universe are no exemption. From a precious stone planet to a planet that downpours glass, the differences of these ethereal bodies is really shocking. In this article, we’ll take a closer see at the best 10 most interesting planets within the known universe.

To begin with on the list is TrES-2b, a planet found 750 light a long time absent from our sun oriented framework. This dull and foreboding planet is officially the darkest planet within the whole universe, reflecting less than 1% of all light that hits it. Its surface gleams a liquid ruddy color due to the rebuffing warm of 1,100 degrees Celsius.

Following up is 55 Cancri e, a planet twice the estimate of Soil that’s around a third made up of strong precious stone. Whereas the idea of a planet made of jewels could seem exciting, it’s found 40 light a long time absent from Soil, and indeed in the event that we may travel there and recover its unending supply of precious stones, it would totally overpower the precious stone supply on Earth, making the precious stones useless.

Moving on, Gliese 436 b may be a monster ball of ice that’s continually on fire. In spite of its surface burning at 439 degrees Celsius, the planet’s gravity is so solid that it pulls the dissolved ice water towards its center, compressing it into a strong shape, halting it from ever vanishing. 

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